Angelic Reiki levels 3&4
What To Expect
Angelic Reiki 1&2 practitioners who are ready to step into the master level of this heavenly healing modality will leave this training as Angelic Reiki Master Teachers! This means that participants will be endowed with the highest degrees of attunements and learn new healing skills, and will also leave with everything needed to teach this angelic medicine to others. Participants will walk away from this workshop with training and skills such as: -Review of 1&2 all healing methods -Guidance and practice for teaching a levels 1&2 workshop -Two new master level healing methods -Levels 3&4 clearings and attunements -Guidance and practice for teaching a levels 3&4 workshop -Master level Archangelic attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light Participants will also receive an Angelic Reiki levels 1&2 teaching manual, an Angelic Reiki levels 3&4 manual, and a certificate from the Angelic Reiki Association. If I was not your 1&2 teacher, photo proof of your 1&2 certificate and the name of your master teacher are required to sign up for this workshop. Email me at MerakiSoulCenteredHealing@gmail.com with any inquiries!
Contact Details
Manalapan, NJ, USA